
News subblog | 8.10 subblog

Hello, everybody who's curious in what's new in the latest release of Ubuntu.

Here, I have the the Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex features, which is what you all came for, and Ubuntu testing news, which you can check out if you wish.

Typically, this is how it works:
  • I find out about a new feature in Intrepid.
  • I post about it in my Ubuntu news subblog.
  • I post about it in my Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex features subblog.
So you'd typically find about a new feature in the news subblog, but that's just news, it doesn't describe specifically what it does/is. That's just to inform you "Whoa! That's cool!" The feature subblog goes more into detail.

The reason the news subblog isn't "8.10 Intrepid Ibex news" subblog is because it's for all news about the latest test release of Ubuntu. When Intrepid comes and goes, and 9.04 testing begins, that subblog will still be used, but the feature subblog will be discontinued and a new one made named "Ubuntu 9.04 Jxxx Jxxx..."

This is a portal, I guess, to two of my subblogs. Enjoy!

If you would like to help get all the information about (a) new feature(s), please post a comment and say what you want to say.

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